9811 Brownsboro Rd # 103, Louisville, KY 40241
(502) 327-6000

About Us

At Brownsboro Road Chiropractic , we specialize in providing chiropractic care tailored to the individual needs of your the whole family. Whether you’re seeking relief from back pain, neck pain, sciatica, or sports injuries, we’re here to help you find relief and restore balance to your body.

As a dedicated chiropractor in Louisville, our goal is to provide you with effective, natural solutions for pain relief and improved overall health. We are dedicated to making your visit a pleasant and enjoyable experience. Your complete satisfaction is our top priority, and we work hard to ensure that every visit is effective and convenient for you. We understand that life can get busy, which is why we are committed to providing prompt chiropractic care that fits into your schedule.

If you would like to speak with Dr. Marquez, an experienced chiropractor in Louisville, KY, about your back pain, neck pain, or any other chiropractic concerns, please feel free to call the office. If it's after hours, the phone will ring through to his personal cell phone. If he is unavailable, simply leave a message, and Dr. Marquez will return your call promptly to address your questions or schedule a chiropractic consultation.

We appreciate any comments you want share about your visit with us. If you had a good experience, we encourage sharing this good news with your friends and family. We would be happy to service their health care needs as well. We strive daily to meet the needs of every patient.

2nd Time Visit

On the second day Dr. Marquez will go over your x-rays with you and develop a game plan to get you back to good health. Dr. Marquez will then begin your customized treatment plan which may include chiropractic adjustments, inter-segmental traction, ice, electronic stimulation, traction, rehabilitation exercises, at home exercise, and massage. This takes approximately 30 minutes. A Typical treatment plan in our office looks something like this: 3 times a week for 2 weeks then 2 times a week for 2 weeks and then one time a week for 2 weeks. All treatment plans are custom made to suit your particular condition or problem and will vary from this slightly. After the second visit treatment only takes approximately 15 minutes.

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