9811 Brownsboro Rd # 103, Louisville, KY 40241
(502) 327-6000

What We Treat

At Brownsboro Road Chiropractic, we offer a wide range of chiropractic treatments designed to relieve pain, improve mobility, and enhance your overall health. Whether you’re suffering from back pain, neck pain, sports injuries, or chronic conditions, Dr. Marquez provides personalized, effective care to meet your needs.
null Think of this like rust on a piece of metal machinery. It causes the joint not to move well. The key to keeping this from getting worse is to keep it moving. You can do this by staying active. Walking is a great way to do this. Stretching can also help. Chiropractic Adjustments are a great way to maintain mobility of an arthritic joint. If exercise and stretches alone are not helping or you need some guidance on what kind of stretches to do give us a call.
back pain Most back pain in my office comes from disc injuries and/or arthritis.  Sometimes kidney or bladder problems can cause back pain.  If you can move your back and make it hurt more or feel better then it is most likely something we can help you with. If movement of the painful area does not affect it then you may have something much more serious.   If you are unsure give us a call.  Let us at least tell you why you are in pain. Then you can decide what you want to do from there.

Most headaches come from either a blood flow problem in the brain or problems in the neck causing headache pain.  Unfortunately you can have both.   Most of the time the medications you get from your medical doctor treat the headaches that come from a blood flow problem in the brain.  We treat the headaches that come from problems in your neck.  If you are having headaches at the back of your head with neck pain then most likely it is a problem in your neck giving you headaches.   If you are unsure give us a call.  Let us at least tell you why you are in pain. Then you can decide what you want to do from there.

car accidents
The resulting injury can  contribute to headaches, dizziness, nausea, pain into the shoulders, arms and hands, reduced ability to  turn and bend, and low back pain with leg pain. The chiropractic approach to this type of injury is to use specific chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy and massage therapy to help regain normal spinal function. If treated early enough, inflammation can be reduced and scar tissue can often be minimized saving you from painful arthritis later on or dependency on pain pills.

adult sports injury
Many of the neck and back problems I treat in my office are due to old sports injuries.  Small injuries today not taken care of properly can lead to big problems later.  Don’t wait for it to get better on its own. Get it checked out today.

children sports injury
Children playing sports today are in a high demand, brutally competitive environment.  We are seeing more and more “adult injuries” in children today.  If not taken care of properly they can set themselves up to have problems that are not normally seen in children. If you are not sure give us a call.  Dr. Marquez would be more than happy to talk with you.

pregnancy back pain
This period of rapid development, the laxity of connective ligaments, and shifting of weight-bearing structures, may cause many pregnant women to experience pain and trouble sleeping.  Dr. Marquez will take special precautions with you during your pregnancy.   Dr. Marquez is very experienced identifying problems related to many of the uncomfortable symptoms associated with pregnancy.  Regular chiropractic checkups, moderate exercise, quitting smoking, eating healthy foods and avoiding alcohol during pregnancy create the best opportunity for mom and a healthy happy baby.

The best position to sleep in is on your back with a pillow behind your knees.  The second best position is on your side with a pillow between your legs.  If you cannot find a comfortable position you may have a more serious problem.  If you are unsure give us a call.  Let us at least tell you why you are in pain.   Then you can decide what you want to do from there.

Because there is no cure for this it is extremely important that you do everything right to try to prevent this from quickly getting worse. This only gets worse if you choose to ignore it of take medication to cover up the symptoms.   The chiropractic approach to managing this includes specific exercises in combination with chiropractic adjustments

disc bulge
The chiropractic approach to disc problems is to help restore better motion and position to the spinal bones. Besides reducing disc bulging, better spinal function helps decrease inflammation so the process of healing the surrounding soft tissues can begin.

disc herniation
Once a disc is herniated even after it heals it is never the same.  It is critically important that steps are taken to prevent future disc injuries. Once you herniate a disc you have a weakness there that set you up for future disc injuries and arthritis. Steps to help prevent this include specific exercises and chiropractic treatment.  If you would like some guidance on how to manage this type of injury, give us a call.  We would love to help.

slipped disc
This is a term that does not have a medical definition.   This could be a bulging disc, herniated disc, prolapsed disc or a dessicated disc.  If you have been told that this is what you have, give us a call.  We can tell you exactly which one it is.  Then you can decide what you want to do from there.

Whether they are a new born that have just undergone the most traumatic event of their new lives, the birth process or are older child  involved in contact sports or repeated one-sided activities chiropractic can help.  Dr. Marquez has six children of his own and is experience working with children.

Unfortunately, the most common treatment approach has been to wait and see how bad it gets.  The chiropractic approach is to use specific spinal adjustments, often combined with corrective exercises.  If detected early enough, chiropractic doctors have had excellent success with scoliosis cases.   Signs that your child may have scoliosis include “growing pains” or one hip or shoulder lower than the other.   If you are unsure give us a call.

The birth process may be one of the most traumatic events of our lives.  Even so-called natural birthing methods can stress a developing spine.  The resulting irritation to the nervous system can be the cause of many newborn health complaints.  Colic, unexplained crying and poor appetite among others can often be traced to nervous system dysfunction caused by a malfunctioning spine.  Chiropractic care can benefit a developing baby and help reduce the complications of labor.

Many things can cause arm pain.  Problems in the arm, problems in the neck and heart problems can all cause pain in the arm.  It is important that you determine what the problem is before it gets worse.  Let us at least tell you why you are in pain.   Then you can decide what you want to do from there.

leg pain
Sources of leg pain can be anything from a blood clot in the leg to a pinched nerve in your low back.  One thing is for sure, it is not normal to have leg pain.  Get it checked out before it’s gets to bad to fix.

carpal tunnel syndrome
Many times people who say they have carpal tunnel actually have a pinched nerve in their neck.  Regardless if the wrist and hand pain are from a true carpal tunnel syndrome or from a problem in your neck we can help.

foot pain
The human foot has 26 bones, 33 joints, 107 ligaments, 19 muscles and tendons. The 52 bones in your feet make up about 25 percent of all the bones in your body.  If these bones are not moving properly due to injury or loss of arches in your feet this can be a major source of pain.  Chiropractic care can help establish normal motion and also recommend proper supports for your arches.

fallen arches
When you lose the arches in your feet this can cause the 26 bones, 33 joints in your foot to not move as well as they should. This can be a major source of pain.  Chiropractic care can help establish normal motion and also recommend proper supports for your arches.

rib pain
This can be cause by a rib that is pulled out of place, mid back problems and even inflammation in the lungs and heart.  It is important that you determine what is causing the pain.  If the rib pain is due to a heart or lung problem we can refer you to a medical doctor.  If it is due to a rib out of place or a mid back problem then we can help.  Give us a call today.

work injury
If you have been injured on the job it is important that you seek treatment as soon as possible. The longer you wait the easier it is for them to deny your claim and the harder it can be to get you back to how you where before the injury

wrist pain
There are 8 bones in the wrist. If any of these become misaligned or lose range of motion this can be a source of pain. A pinched nerve in the neck can also cause wrist pain.  Regardless if the pain is from a true wrist problem or from a problem in your neck we can help.

hand arm pain
Many things can cause hand and arm pain.  It is important that you determine what the problem is before it gets worse.  Let us at least tell you why you are in pain.   Then you can decide what you want to do from there.

joint pain
Chiropractors are experts in the care of the bones, nerves, muscles and connective tissues that make up your body.  All of the joints in your body are part of this musculo-skeletal system and its optimal function is necessary for overall good health.  So if you are having problems with a joint in your body, we can help.

elbow pain
Most of the time this type of pain is due to either knots in the surrounding muscles causing elbow pain or bursitis or tendinitis in the elbow.  Depending on which one we are dealing with dr. Marquez can recommend some simple at home therapies in combination with treatment in the office that can quickly turn this around.

joint injury
Chiropractors are experts in the care of the bones, nerves, muscles and connective tissues that make up your body.  All of the joints in your body are part of this musculo-skeletal system and its optimal function is necessary for overall good health.  So if you are having problems with a joint in your body, we can help.

legin pain and numbness
Sources of leg pain and numbness can be anything from a blood clot in the leg to a pinched nerve in your low back.  One thing is for sure, it is not normal to have leg pain or numbness.  Get it checked out before it’s gets to bad to fix.

arm pain and numbness
Many things can cause arm pain and numbness.   It is important that you determine what the problem is before it gets worse.  The longer you let it go the more damage is done.  Let us at least tell you why you are in pain or having numbness.   Then you can decide what you want to do from there.

lifting injuries
Proper lifting technique is always important but when things go wrong it’s critical that you see your chiropractor as soon as possible.  The longer you wait the higher the chance of complications in the future.

numbness and tingling
Most of the time numbness and tingling is due to a nerve getting pinch.  It can also be due to a blood flow problem.  Regardless of the source it is important that you address this problem as soon as possible.

pinched nerve and sciatica
Injured nerves heal slowly and once they die they never grow back.  If you are suffering from a pinched nerve or sciatica it is very important that you take care of this as soon as possible. Once the damage is done there is no going back.

rotator cuff injuries
If not taken care this can lead to permanent loss of range of motion and chronic pain. If you can still use it but with pain you are probably not at the point of needing surgery.  Dr. Marquez can recommend some simple at home therapies in combination with treatment in the office that can quickly turn this around.

Many times this type of pain is due to either knots in the surrounding muscles or joint dysfunction which causes inflammation of the tendon.  Dr. Marquez can recommend some simple at home therapies in combination with treatment in the office that can get you back to pain free.

Many times this type of pain is due to either knots in the surrounding muscles or joint dysfunction which causes inflammation of the bursa.  Dr. Marquez can recommend some simple at home therapies in combination with treatment in the office that can get you back to pain free.

Dr. Marquez will take a comprehensive approach in evaluating and designing a specific care plan.  Nutrition, exercise and regular chiropractic adjustments have all shown to play a role in reducing pain

mid back pain
This can be due to a wide range of things.  From a simple muscle strain to heart problems, from a rib out of place to scoliosis.  Let’s take a look and find out why you are in pain.  Then you can decide what you want to do from there.

tennis elbow
Most of the time this type of pain is due to either knots in the surrounding muscles causing elbow pain or bursitis or tendinitis in the elbow.  Depending on which one we are dealing with dr. Marquez can recommend some simple at home therapies in combination with treatment in the office that can quickly turn this around.

newborn checkup
The birth process may be one of the most traumatic events of our lives.  Even so-called natural birthing methods can stress a developing spine.  Regular chiropractic checkups can help create the best opportunity for a healthy, happy baby.


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